Meet the face behind
I Want seconds
Hello, My name Kelsey Conser and I am FAT!!! I Want Seconds is my love letter to the fat community.
I came into this world BIG (10lbs) and I have only gotten bigger! I was raised by my wonderful single mother who too was living in a fat body. I grew up watching her struggles with finding clothing options and before long was in the same boat.
The plus size clothing struggle is real and so damaging to plus size folks. Not only are we seen as lesser than for our appearance but we cannot access basic needs like clothing. When we can find clothing most times it is cost prohibitive or nothing we want to wear. This is why I want to bring resale to the plus size folks of Portland, like those who came before (Fat Fancy and Savvy Plus) our goal is to make fun, fashionable plus size clothing accessible to all.
At I Want Seconds we are accepting of all! We will not judge based on size, race, religion, gender, culture, age, disability or beliefs. This is a safe space for all, unless you are a bigot then please shop elsewhere!
We are not just body positive here we are working towards FAT LIBERATION!
From the days in the garage to our new shop in Portland’s very own Hawthorne district.